Monday, March 9, 2009

Recession? We don't need no stinking recession.

Well, we're several weeks in and Cathy is now 9 (yes NINE) thousand dollars ahead of me. And, while that is a wee bit discouraging I continue to think how cool it is we've raised almost three thousand dollars so far to fund the critical work of the March of Dimes. What's more, we don't yet have any corporate donations. The Beat Cathy campaign has been all about proving that individuals CAN make a big difference and we've proven that with lots of smaller donations (and a couple of medium to BIG ones.) That said, in the interest of winning (or at least meeting our goal) I need your help. Yes you. The one who is reading this. Uh huh, not someone else. I need YOU to not only give generously, but to please get your friends and family involved. If you're inspired to walk and do fund-raising in your own name, that's great! Please let me know.

In today's economy, non-profits are facing financial disaster without serious help. Your tax-deductible donation can not only help keep the cause alive, but could also reduce your tax burden (see a tax professional for guidance.)