Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Why Beat Cathy?

So what's the Beat Cathy campaign all about? It's about proving that anyone can make a huge difference for the tiniest babies. A little history:

The March of Dimes has a special place in the hearts of the people I work with at Farmers Insurance. It is our company's largest chosen cause and something many people deeply believe in supporting. People like Cathy.

Cathy Guevara has raised the largest amount of money for the March of Dimes in the company two years running, topping over $14,000 in donations last year. As a result, she's ridden in the Rose Bowl parade both years and been asked to speak to employees about fund-raising. During her speech, she tried to make it clear that she thinks we can all do what she did, and she issued a challenge to everyone to try and beat her.

I took that challenge. Cathy is a friend, and was kind enough to provide a few fund-raising tips, but the 'game' is ON. She's well ahead right now, by an incredible margin. She has a process that works well for her. So, I'm truly the underdog in this friendly competition. So, I'm asking you to please, please give all you can to my "Beat Cathy" campaign.

The upside of our little competition is that you get to make a huge difference. Too many mothers are without the care they need, too many babies are born prematurely and have no medical care. That's really what "Beat Cathy" is all about - saving babies. Please join me in this special cause.



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